Animals at work: go fish!

My pet at work? No thank you!
You may be in the 76% of French people who know they are allowed to bring their pet at work (survey by Holidog – March 2016)
If you are not, you might find this idea absurd. But come to think of it, it’s not that weird.
Zoom on what bringing your pet at work implies
The perks of having your pet at work
Four legged, short or long hairs, gills or not, pets have calming virtues during the day, and at work they help us be more efficient.
Their presence soothes the relationship among colleagues, has a well-known anti-stress effect, can work as icebreakers therefore creating opportunities between people, and increase our team spirit.
Another perk: welcoming an animal within the company increases productivity. According to American companies who have been organising the “Take your dog to work” day for over 10 years, bringing their dogs at work helps workers cooping better with long shifts and lower the absenteeism rate.
Finally, for 98% of French people, bringing your pet in your company is a sign of modernity (survey by Holidog).
Work beasts? Ok, just a few notes…:
The law is flexible on the presence of our hairy friends in the workplace. However, depending on which field the company is operating, such as the food industry or public administration, animals can be forbidden.
In the private sector, the law is referring to the collective agreement, the company rules and regulations and the management. Management can ban animals for hygiene, allergies or phobias.
Rabbit, dog or tarantula… Who should you bring?
You should know that as your pet’s owner, you are accountable for it. If your dog digs out a plant in the office looking for a bone, you must clean up its mess.
Better then to make sure your pet won’t cause any trouble (or fears) in meeting rooms, management floor or the reception.
Cats and dogs don’t pose any particular threats (depending on the race) if they are properly vaccinated and clean (avoid puppies and kittens, even if they are cute).
It is safer to avoid bringing reptiles and arachnids (except maybe for Halloween).
Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and rodents in general are best left at home because they tend to feast on electrical cables.
Fish are known to have true anti-stress effects (expect maybe for piranhas) but aren’t always easy to move with their tank between home and office, unless you want to make it your office mascot.
To conclude, if like Choose and Work, you like pets, and you often rent working spaces, make sure your hairy friends are welcome there.
Choose and Work Mascot: Lucky