How to stop procrastinate at the office?

Never put off until tomorrow things you could do today. And yet, putting off until tomorrow is something everybody does every day! But, step by step, you find yourself buried under a pile of work. So how to fight procrastination at work? Our tips to be more productive.
First things first: why procrastinate?
We procrastinate not because we have too much to do, but because these tasks are too repetitive or boring and we would rather be doing something else, more stimulating, easier. Except that putting off until the next day means getting closer and closer to the deadline and causes stress. That has a big impact on personal satisfaction.
However, there are simple ways to stop procrastinating at the office.
Use to do lists
This tip may seem obvious, yet the first thing to do to be efficient at work is to list all your tasks and establishing priorities. Over the day or over the week, by writing your tasks down, you set your own deadlines.
Estimate the time you need to accomplish your tasks
Another simple tip, estimate the time you might need to do the most boring tasks and set deadlines. You will therefore better handle your timing, and will avoid to deal with stressful deadlines.
Fraction the long tasks into steps
If you are facing a task too big to be taken care of, you might be tempted to postpone it. The solution? Break it into smaller tasks and start with what is easy. By setting micro-goals, you won’t feel overwhelmed and you will succeed easier at the office.
Stop making up excuses
“I don’t have the time’, “I have more important things to do”, “it’s too complicated”, “I have to call a client” … We always have a good excuse to put something off until tomorrow. Stop making up excuses and you will become more productive at work. It is a matter of state of mind.
Congratulate yourself!
Nothing more fulfilling than finishing a difficult task. When you finish one, feel free to treat yourself. Whether it’s by taking a five-minute break, drinking a nice cup of tea or simply taking a nice time off, it’s a nice ego boost, and you will be more efficient in the future!
With all these tips, you no longer have any excuses to procrastinate. Don’t put off until tomorrow to use them ????!