Why are co-working spaces so in right now?

Co-working is the future! Numbers don’t lie… In 10 years, they boomed. The Global Co-working Survey 2017 published by Deskmag shows that there was 75 co-working spaces in the world in 2007, versus 13 800 in 2017! Between 2016 and 2017, this number has increased tenfold! Proving that more and more workers are interested by this new collaborative system, allowing them to work in a new win-win model based on sharing. So why is this trend about to become the new ideal work space?
Because co-working means networking
More and more often, workers are switching to co-working, particularly because it allows them to fight loneliness. Who wants to work alone by himself anymore? Sharing a space between several workers encourages exchanges and boost creativity.
Because it is cheaper
Choosing the co-working solution means a lower rent, pooled resources (electricity, phones…) and infrastructures, shared technology and services (Wi-Fi, High speed internet, coffee, etc.). This is basically a flat share with lower costs.
Because it is good for business
Working with others from different professional backgrounds can generate business opportunities. Various professions work alongside, and each can bring a special set of skills and expertise. That is how new projects are born, possibly leading to new contracts. You might be useful to one of your co-workers, or one of his clients, and you will be his first choice.
Because it is fulfilling
Sharing a working space, you discover new companies, new people which will only enrich your experience. You share skills, help each other, stimulate each other. You can share internal company tools, selling tools, commercial technics, etc.
Because it is easy and flexible
The other major advantage that co-working presents is its flexibility. Out with endless lease agreements and prices through the roof! Professionals now want flexible, affordable solutions.
And that’s what co-working offers. SMEs are abandoning traditional workplaces. Nowadays, they rent a space for an hour, a day or a month. A solution without obligation and therefore averagely 30% cheaper than a classical rental. Perfect for new business. But not only for them.
Co-working: towards a new way of working?
As collaborative economy and self-improvement are at the centre of everything, co-working is rapidly becoming a must-have in the working world.
It meets increasing mobility needs from independent workers, but also executives spending a lot of time out of the office, and need to be able to rent a space anytime, anywhere, 24/7.
Furthermore, by placing the well-being at the centre of business, co-working disrupts the old ways of the working place. And brings a new approach to it. Something worth being monitored closely.