Finding an office to rent to carry out and develop one’s activity is a problem that many professionals encounter, whether they are freelancers, itinerant workers, associations, start-ups or teleworkers. If several solutions and alternatives can meet this need, we propose today a focus on the advantages of renting an office by the month, in a business center or coworking space, compared to a traditional rental such as a commercial lease.
Renting an office by the month, a flexible solution
The traditional alternative to an office lease is to sign a commercial lease for 3, 6 or 9 years. While it offers certain advantages such as the fact that the professional is “at home”, that the cost of the lease is fixed regardless of the size of his team and that it is suitable for all types of activities, this solution is distinguished above all by its lack of flexibility. Indeed, the commercial lease requires solid financial guarantees as well as significant cash for the deposit, and the rigidity of this type of contract also implies a long-term commitment (3 years minimum).
Conversely, renting an office by the month is a flexible solution that avoids all these constraints and offers other significant advantages.
Monthly office rental in a business center
A business center is a fully equipped and furnished office building, usually offering short-term professional rentals. Renting an office there on a monthly basis allows you to benefit from a rather affordable rate and a certain flexibility in terms of the contract but also in terms of your professional life on site. You can indeed benefit from à la carte services such as the rental of meeting rooms for example, and you don’t have to worry about managing your office. Moreover, business centers generally have a prestigious address, which can be a plus for your professional image. Be careful, however, the cost can quickly increase depending on the services adopted and the surface area used.
Finally, unlike a coworking space, you will not find an active community to build your professional network, but you will be able to manage the confidential aspect of your activity more easily.
Renting an office per month in a coworking space
A particularly trendy concept today, renting an office space by the month within a coworking space represents a particularly advantageous solution, above all for the flexibility it offers. You will find services that can be adapted to your needs, flexible contract conditions and an affordable cost (which can however become high if your team is composed of several people), while benefiting from a single bill for everything you will use on site such as telephone, electricity, photocopies, meeting rooms, etc.
The tools are shared, you will be able to access different training courses and participate in a real synergy between coworkers. The dynamism of this type of community is indeed generally a real boost for networking.